Apr 30How Do You Define Success?!!?What to listen for: “Success is the joy that we have with our dogs and the relationships that we're building.” Ever wondered how small...
Dec 25, 2023Questions From the Crowd - Winter 2023 Pt 2What to listen for: “How well does the dog actually understand target odor? Part of the issue is that we think we've taught the dog to...
Dec 4, 2023Handling Peer Pressure in Training and Method JumpingWhat to listen for: “Be kind and open and giving, even when they don't know anything, that's okay, still give and still branch out. And...
Aug 21, 2023Line Handling and Dog IndependenceWhat to listen for: “Handling a line is all about being smooth. So, slow is smooth, and smooth is fast.” Today, our hosts Robin Greubel,...